Sunday, August 31, 2008


Omg. I haven't blogged in a month.

(fiveawesomegirls intro music plays)

SO much has happened. Like I finally turned 14!!!! AH!! I got new pink converse and some new vans, books and bookstore gift cards, CDs, awesome amazing prismacolor markers that I've wanted FOREVER, and lots more.

And the next day I got the best birthday present EVER when I went to see The Remus Lupins and the Whomping Willows. I HUGGED ALEX FREAKING CARPENTER. ZOMG!!!! And he said I was "super awesome." I was a lot less nervous meeting him for the second time than I was last year, but I still went into super fangirl mode and was like, ready to faint when he said that. I've heard everyone say that Alex is the best hugger for a long time, but never realized how true it was. I thought it lasted for a long time, but then I decided I might be imagining it, so I asked my friend Sofia and she said "Yeah, It was really long!"
So yay!!

Moving on.

lets see, I read breaking dawn. I liked it, but it wasn't my perfect ending. I didn't hate it like a lot of people did, but I didn't love it either. The first one is still my favorite :) But the release party was sooo coool. I even met an online friend there!! good times.

I don't really have anything else to say, so...




mdolores said...

Hello. I love your blog, because I am a fan of Harry Potter! one day I'll do a blog like yours!
keeps writing so well!
(I hope I understand, because I speak Castilian and I do not know if I'm writing this well message))


Auriana said...

Thank you! And I think you did very well on your English!