Thursday, January 17, 2008

Video of the week!!!!

Technically it's still Thursday for a few more minutes, so I don't have to say sorry for getting this in late:D

This weeks video of the week is the music video to "Ode to Harry" by the Switchblade Kittens.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Post Deleted by author.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's Saturday!

Yay! Today was...uneventful. I talked to my friend Ashley on the phone for like an hour,
And then I ate apples, and then I was online for a long time. I also drew some pictures, and read a few chapters of Twilight, which my awesome friend Allie recommended to me. and now I'm back. That's a typical weekend for me:)

So...It's getting so close to Feb 4th, which is my mom's due date. AAAAHH!!!!! these are some names from my mom's baby name list:

I think everyone on our family likes Ewan the best. Feel free to comment with your fave, or if you have any other ideas :)

Also today I have to start selling Girl Scout cookies, which I really don't like doing. I mean, sure, it's fun to support my troop and everything, but I am really not a salesperson. The good part is, I love the cookies:B

This is random but...I'm wearing a Slytherin ring! I am totally not a Slytherin (Hufflepuff, baby!), but this is awesome. it's a snake that coils up my finger. And, no Hannah, you can't have it because it's actually my mom's. and yes I can read your mind.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Hey people!!!!!

SO today I had an idea--every Thursday I'll post a video of the week! why Thursday, You may ask? because today is Thursday and that's when I had the Idea lol.

So this week's video is...You've Got to Hide Your Love Away by the Beatles! This is from the movie Help! which I got for Christmas and love to pieces ^.^

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Yay blog!

Hi! I don't know who's actually going to read this thing like, ever, but I wanted to start an awesome blog where I can blog about anything. yeah. I don't really have anything to write about at the moment, But I thought I should write something the day I created my blog, I dunno, to document it or something. ^^

Let's see...maybe I'll just go find one of those dorky myspace survey things and post it here so people will know random and completely useless info about me.

1. Have you ever kissed someone 16 or older?
only in my family.

2. Is your boyfriend or girlfriend a pain in the ass?
I don't have a boyfriend.

3. How many bathing suits do you own?

4. Do you like the color green?
Yep, as you probably can tell.

5. Are you in a relationship?
Yes. I'm engaged to Alex Carpenter, he just doesn't know it yet. :-|

6. Ever eaten soap?
Probably on accident. I don't think I ever just like sat down and had a bar of it for lunch though.

7. Do you miss anyone?
Yeah. like, 12 people.

8. What does your 8th text message say?
I don't have any, because sadly, I don't have a phone. But I will soon. Maybe.

9. What song are you listening to right now?
Nothing, because I'm supposed to be in bed.

12. Do you like winter?
It's OK. maybe I'd like it better if I lived in California or something. zomg that's where Alex lives. I'd like winter A LOT better if I spent it with my loveman.

13. Does your screen name have numbers in it?

14. Are you in a band?
yes,but i have no music.

15. Where's number 1 on your top?

17. How long have you had your myspace for?
like 4 months.

18. What's your favorite non alcoholic beverage?
Apple Juice. YES.

19. If you could own a monkey, would you?
Heck yeah.

20. Do you own anything from American Eagle?

21. Do you listen to rap?
No, except the Big Whompy's "Oh Christmas Tree" which ROCKS MY SOCKS!

28. Do you regret anything?
yes, a few things.

29. What are you excited about?
My brother being born in Feb, and Matt playing my house party in march!!!

30. Are you an artist?
yep ^^

31. Do you have an addiction?

32. Favorite swear word?
uuuuh...I don't swear much.

35. How many pillows do you sleep with?
My main pillow, and two fluffy ones.

36. Do you like smores?
who doesn't?

37. Do you like hugs and kisses?
Yes. hugs RULE!

41. Been embarrassed in public?
more than once.

42. Have you been in trouble with the cops?No. Except there was that one time...

43. Where are you from?

44. Is there anything about yourself you are trying or want to improve?
I guess.

46. Are you confused about anything right now?
Yes. I'm very easily confused. :P

48. What color are your eyes?

49. How do you think your latest ex feels about you?
I don't have an ex!

51. Who do you love?
My awesome friends, My family, Wrockers...

52. Who's your best friend?
Ashley and Hannah

53. What are you doing tomorrow?
Girl Scouts

55. as of today do you like anybody?

56. Do you like your first name?
Yes. I didn't used to, but then Mr. Mathew Maggiacomo came along and told me it was cool, and he's made of awesome so you can't really disagree with him.

57. Do you like to cuddle?