Thursday, July 31, 2008

HP fandom collage....

...That I forgot to post on DH day...but It's Harry and Jo's Birthday, so it still counts!

And, OMG! The tales of Beedle the Bard is going to be PUBLISHED!!!! AHHH!

Aaaaand...The Half Blood Prince Teaser Trailer was released! finally!! It was so cool Looks like they are doing a great job on the whole young Voldemort thing. I can't WAIT for the full length trailer and, obviously, the movie! Nov. 21st, baby :)

Unless you speak nerd, none of that probably made sense to you....



Friday, July 25, 2008

Books, sweet books!

Today's project in the HPA's 11 days of breaking out of the Muggle Mindset ( for info) is to recommend a book to a friend.

So here we go...

This book is about a 14 year old American girl living in Indonesia, who finds herself in the middle of the ocean when the ferry she is on sinks. I don't read many books that aren't part of a series, because that's just not who I am. but this is amazing, I loved it so much. read it!


When I first heard about this, the title sounded kind of cheesy and I thought it might be lame. But I read it anyway and it's...fantastical :) As you may have guessed, it's about...Vampire Pirates!! Unless you're Ashley and you thought it was Vampirettes, as in female pirates (which would also be pretty freaking awesome):D lol.


If you haven't read this yet,you need to come out from under you're rock and read it. that's all I'm saying :)


READ IT. Six bird kids, evil scientists, a mutant talking dog, chocolate chip cookies, Really refreshing unique humor...It's amazing.


Another Vampire story!! man, I love me some vampires! I love to see sooo many different ways that vampires can be portrayed, and this one is another totally unique awesome one. Definitely read!

Well, that's all I can think of right now. Aside from the obvious like Harry Potter and Twilight, which I certainly hope anyone who's reading my blog has read, or you're getting a serious talking too :D



Tuesday, July 22, 2008


When I say Wizard, you say ROCK!

OMG! Just got home from the most amazing incredible unbelievable awesome epic wrock show. Well, partly Wrock. Jason Anderson And The Best, Uncle Monster Face and Math The Band were also there.

I'd heard these bands one or twice before and I thought 'Eh, whatever, they're OK.'
But after seeing them live, I think all three of them are really super talented and most important just plain FUN.

Ahh, Harry and the Potters. This was the first time I've seen them. It amazing. I probably lost like a few pounds dancing. I got a picture with Joe, but Paul was still on stage :( Oh well. Next time :)

I will post pictures and maybe even some videos very soon, but right now I'm going to see if I can sleep. I'm probably too full of left over excitement, but I'll try :)

EDIT(now that I'm not so tired): My throat hurts from singing and yelling, my ears will probably take a few weeks to work properly again, and it will probably be at least a few days before I come down form my Wizard Rock high. I touched little Harry's shirt twice when he came into the audience. :)

The show was so random and insane. We're talking pixy stix being thrown into the audience, balloon animals, free cupcakes, bubbles, professional lobster players, red light green light, and of course, singing about LOVE. All in all, I have never experienced something more awesome, and I can't wait to do it again.
Thanks so much to ALL the bands for the absolutely amazing time I had.

Love you all,
Hugs, Wrock, and Unlimited Enthusiasm :)


Monday, July 21, 2008

7/21/08! Happy birthday DH!

We now present the seventh and final installment in the epic tale of Harry Potter.

I can't freaking believe it's been a year.
This is quite an emotional day for me, and for a lot of other people too, I'm sure.

I'm getting ready for an epic Harry and the Potters concert tonight . this is going to be awesome :D

Everyone should listen to the HPA's new podcast:
Me one year ago: