Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How The Jonas Brothers Are Slowly Driving Me Crazy: Part II

you know how you can love to hate things or people, like the Dursleys? Well I figured out it can go the other way around, too. I hate to love the Jonas Brothers.

Yeah, I still haven't figured out my Dilemma from a few weeks ago. It's still driving me insane.
So, here are some of the many ways I've been crossing the line: I new I had crossed the line big time when started buying Tiger Beat to get their posters. Also, I'm actually weirdly excited about seeing Camp Rock. I started reading JoBro fanfiction. I started sometimes using stupid really abbreviation's for Jonas Brothers (see above). I sometimes wonder if my posters are alive, and I feel really weird when i'm changing or something.

Yeah...there are more, but the main point of this blog was to pose this question to all of you:

Is there anyone else out there who HATES TO LOVE the Jonas Brothers? Or have I completely lost my mind?



1 comment:

penguin1220 said...

well...I love the Jonas Brothers but I don't hate to love them.

I love to love them.


I know. I don't help.

...Just remember, I'm left-handed and you're not.

Which was totally off topic.

And I'm typing this on a library computer! Because my mom and I were in the library, and I was reading this book for school (gotta love homeschooling), and I finished it like 45 minutes before I was supposed to. Sadly, the book i'm reading is at home.

So this comment is basically useless crap. Yeah. Gotta love me, right?

-Awesome Ashley

P.S JoBros. Classic. This is one of the reasons I talk to you. Ah, good times.