Monday, April 7, 2008

How The Jonas Brothers Are Slowly Driving Me Crazy: Part 1

Hey everyone,

as I'm sure you've concluded from the title and picture, this blog will be primarily about the Jonas Brothers.


I just feel like if I gave in and became a fan, it would be really weird because I am totally not a fan of Disney-pop-boy-bands, and never have been. If I gave in, I'd feel...I don't know, guilty? I know that's stupid and I know I can like whoever I want, and I shouldn't care what people think, but...I dunno.

But then they're just so cool and cute funny and their style is awesome, and I love them so much! I like their music, but I'm not the hugest fan.

I crossed the line the other day and hung up some JB posters on my wall. every time I look at them, it's like Nick, Joe, and Kevin are saying "Decide, decide,decide!" and it was SO FREAKING ANNOYING AND I THINK I'M REALLY GOING MAD.

so I moved them to a less obvious spot on my wall. but that's beside the point.

I have some advice for you: If you are thinking about becoming a Jonas Brothers fan, DON'T. BECAUSE ONCE YOU GET SUCKED IN YOU CAN'T GET OUT.


Also crossing the line, I've been watching Jonas vids on YouTube.
This one is my fave:

BAHAHAHAHAH "Oh how the tables have turned."

...I don't know why I find that so funny.

So, in conclusion, I love the Jonas Brothers, but I also sorta don't like them.
It's a love-hate relationship :D

love, Auriana.

P.S. Welcome to Pottercast, Frak! I've always loved you and your art, and I am thrilled that you are on the show now! yay for Pottercast quartet!

1 comment:

Frankie Franco III said...

I am glad to be on the show. :)