Just passing along this message from the absolutely amazing Andrew Slack of the HPA:
On the heels of JK Rowling signing a statement along with thirteen other children's authors on behalf of the children of Darfur, the HP Alliance will continue to try waking up the UN Security Council to ending the genocide in Darfur the way Dumbledore's Army woke the world up to Voldemort's return.
Essentially, here's the deal: Darfur has had about 400,000 killed and over 2.5 million displaced. And since not one person has been arrested for these war crimes, the Sudanese government keeps thinking they can get away with murder.
The good news is that there's hope: the International Criminal Court (i.e. the Wizengamut) has a chief prosecutor who is working like Kingsley Shacklebolt for change from the inside. He has collected a tremendous amount of evidence linking two major Sudanese officials to engineering the killing of innocent civilians in Darfur. If the UN Security Council (the Ministry) votes to arrest these two real world Death Eaters, the Sudanese leadership either hands them over for war crimes or each of them have their bank accounts frozen...an act that would help us stop this genocide.
But the needs the UN Security Council has so far been pulling a "Cornelius Fudge" by doing nothing.
So they need to hear our voice! We need to wake them up! In June they will be voting on whether to turn these indictments into arrests.
As a Dumbledore's Army for the real world honoring JK Rowling's vocal support for the children of Darfur, we in the HP Alliance have a goal to get ONE THOUSAND signatures from all over the world to sign this peittion to the UN Security Council at wantedforwarcrimes. org/hpa
Do you think we can do it? Are there one thousand Harry Potter fans who are willing to take action on Darfur by waking up the UN Security Council? Can you sign this petition right now, can you get your friends and community members to sign it as well?
It's up to you and me.
We've moved mountains before! Let's get to work!
Andrew Slack
Harry Potter Alliance
So PLEASE do this. The HP Alliance is one of the most awesome organizations I have ever come across. Please help them out, and by doing so, help the people in Darfur. We all know how much they need it. Thank you!
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