Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hey everyone!

I thought it would be cool to share some random facts about myself, because some of this stuff is so random it would probably never come up in regular conversation.

lets see..

1. I'm scared of mirrors, but only at night. I dunno why, I'm just scared I'll see ghosts in them or something XD

2. I drink way more milk than I'm sure any doctor would recommend.

3. I have more online friends than "real" ones.

4. It's my dream to own a pair of Converse in every color.

5.My favorite color is purple, but I almost always wear blue because it looks better on me and matches my eyes.

6. I've lived in 8 different houses in my life.

7. I think superheros are awesome, but I didn't when I was little.

8. I am taller than pretty much all of my friends.

9. I'm double jointed and I can do weeeiird stuff with my fingers.

10.I've stayed up until five and woke up three hours later at eight. And didn't even take any naps the next day.

11. If I had a time machine, I'd go back to 1964, to the height of Beatlemania.

12. I had hermit crabs for about 3 years before the last one died.

13. I had guinnia pigs (no idea how to spell that) for about 3 months before the people who gave them to us kindly took them back.

14. Part of the reason that I read so much is that I find it easier to live in a fictional world than the real one.

15. I have Harry Potter related dreams on a regular basis.

Aaaaaand that's all I can think of right now.


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