Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How The Jonas Brothers Are Slowly Driving Me Crazy: Part II

you know how you can love to hate things or people, like the Dursleys? Well I figured out it can go the other way around, too. I hate to love the Jonas Brothers.

Yeah, I still haven't figured out my Dilemma from a few weeks ago. It's still driving me insane.
So, here are some of the many ways I've been crossing the line: I new I had crossed the line big time when started buying Tiger Beat to get their posters. Also, I'm actually weirdly excited about seeing Camp Rock. I started reading JoBro fanfiction. I started sometimes using stupid really abbreviation's for Jonas Brothers (see above). I sometimes wonder if my posters are alive, and I feel really weird when i'm changing or something.

Yeah...there are more, but the main point of this blog was to pose this question to all of you:

Is there anyone else out there who HATES TO LOVE the Jonas Brothers? Or have I completely lost my mind?



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Unrequited love

Here's a short little poem I wrote in like 10 minutes:

Every day he goes about his life, totally oblivious to the girl who longs to be his wife.

He is unaware that he occupies her thoughts every second of every day, she watches him all the time, but he never looks her way.

He walks right past her as she writes his name in her note book, but still he never takes the time to look.

She wills him to notice her with every part of her that she possesses, but her courage is never enough that she confesses.

And now he has unintentionally broken her heart, simply by failing to play his part.

As the years go by she puts herself back together, but of piece of her soul will be his forever.

The end.

Thanks for reading! and please let me know what you think!



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Help The Harry Potter Alliance.

Just passing along this message from the absolutely amazing Andrew Slack of the HPA:

On the heels of JK Rowling signing a statement along with thirteen other children's authors on behalf of the children of Darfur, the HP Alliance will continue to try waking up the UN Security Council to ending the genocide in Darfur the way Dumbledore's Army woke the world up to Voldemort's return.

Essentially, here's the deal: Darfur has had about 400,000 killed and over 2.5 million displaced. And since not one person has been arrested for these war crimes, the Sudanese government keeps thinking they can get away with murder.

The good news is that there's hope: the International Criminal Court (i.e. the Wizengamut) has a chief prosecutor who is working like Kingsley Shacklebolt for change from the inside. He has collected a tremendous amount of evidence linking two major Sudanese officials to engineering the killing of innocent civilians in Darfur. If the UN Security Council (the Ministry) votes to arrest these two real world Death Eaters, the Sudanese leadership either hands them over for war crimes or each of them have their bank accounts act that would help us stop this genocide.

But the needs the UN Security Council has so far been pulling a "Cornelius Fudge" by doing nothing.

So they need to hear our voice! We need to wake them up! In June they will be voting on whether to turn these indictments into arrests.

As a Dumbledore's Army for the real world honoring JK Rowling's vocal support for the children of Darfur, we in the HP Alliance have a goal to get ONE THOUSAND signatures from all over the world to sign this peittion to the UN Security Council at wantedforwarcrimes. org/hpa

Do you think we can do it? Are there one thousand Harry Potter fans who are willing to take action on Darfur by waking up the UN Security Council? Can you sign this petition right now, can you get your friends and community members to sign it as well?

It's up to you and me.

We've moved mountains before! Let's get to work!

Andrew Slack
Harry Potter Alliance

So PLEASE do this. The HP Alliance is one of the most awesome organizations I have ever come across. Please help them out, and by doing so, help the people in Darfur. We all know how much they need it. Thank you!



Monday, April 7, 2008

How The Jonas Brothers Are Slowly Driving Me Crazy: Part 1

Hey everyone,

as I'm sure you've concluded from the title and picture, this blog will be primarily about the Jonas Brothers.


I just feel like if I gave in and became a fan, it would be really weird because I am totally not a fan of Disney-pop-boy-bands, and never have been. If I gave in, I'd feel...I don't know, guilty? I know that's stupid and I know I can like whoever I want, and I shouldn't care what people think, but...I dunno.

But then they're just so cool and cute funny and their style is awesome, and I love them so much! I like their music, but I'm not the hugest fan.

I crossed the line the other day and hung up some JB posters on my wall. every time I look at them, it's like Nick, Joe, and Kevin are saying "Decide, decide,decide!" and it was SO FREAKING ANNOYING AND I THINK I'M REALLY GOING MAD.

so I moved them to a less obvious spot on my wall. but that's beside the point.

I have some advice for you: If you are thinking about becoming a Jonas Brothers fan, DON'T. BECAUSE ONCE YOU GET SUCKED IN YOU CAN'T GET OUT.


Also crossing the line, I've been watching Jonas vids on YouTube.
This one is my fave:

BAHAHAHAHAH "Oh how the tables have turned."

...I don't know why I find that so funny.

So, in conclusion, I love the Jonas Brothers, but I also sorta don't like them.
It's a love-hate relationship :D

love, Auriana.

P.S. Welcome to Pottercast, Frak! I've always loved you and your art, and I am thrilled that you are on the show now! yay for Pottercast quartet!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hey everyone!

I thought it would be cool to share some random facts about myself, because some of this stuff is so random it would probably never come up in regular conversation.

lets see..

1. I'm scared of mirrors, but only at night. I dunno why, I'm just scared I'll see ghosts in them or something XD

2. I drink way more milk than I'm sure any doctor would recommend.

3. I have more online friends than "real" ones.

4. It's my dream to own a pair of Converse in every color.

5.My favorite color is purple, but I almost always wear blue because it looks better on me and matches my eyes.

6. I've lived in 8 different houses in my life.

7. I think superheros are awesome, but I didn't when I was little.

8. I am taller than pretty much all of my friends.

9. I'm double jointed and I can do weeeiird stuff with my fingers.

10.I've stayed up until five and woke up three hours later at eight. And didn't even take any naps the next day.

11. If I had a time machine, I'd go back to 1964, to the height of Beatlemania.

12. I had hermit crabs for about 3 years before the last one died.

13. I had guinnia pigs (no idea how to spell that) for about 3 months before the people who gave them to us kindly took them back.

14. Part of the reason that I read so much is that I find it easier to live in a fictional world than the real one.

15. I have Harry Potter related dreams on a regular basis.

Aaaaaand that's all I can think of right now.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fools!

Yeah, if for some reason you hadn't figured it out yet, that was a joke. for the moment I remain single:)

Love and WROCK,


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I have a boyfriend!!!!!

It's true! YAY! He is so amazing. His name is Jake. He's 15. I met him at the grocery store about a week ago. He saw me and gave me his phone number, and the rest is history ^.^ I'll tell you a little about him:

He's an Emo, and he never wears anything but black. I think if he had a Hogwarts house, it would be Ravenclaw or Slytherin, although he doesn't like Harry Potter at all. The kind of music he likes is Rap, Hip Hop, metal and of course, Emo. He LOVES watching sports, especially golf. He doesn't like reading. His favorite movies are horror flicks, "The more violent the better" as he always says. :) His dream is to one day move to rural Alaska, where he can't be as easily bothered by society. His favorite foods are mushrooms and green beans. He doesn't get online, because he thinks it's overrated. He doesn't like drawing, but he writes a lot of poetry.

I know we sound a little different, but he's amazing, and we love each other very much.

